What is 3DTop ?
Plug ins
Who are we ?
Upload your stuff

We are always encouraging people to show us what they've done with our software. It makes us look good, and it makes you look good! We have three sections:

Screen Shots

Here you can show us and the rest of the world just how great you are at arranging icons. Use the form below to upload the files, and please use JPG formatting for the picture. 

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Desktop Configurations

This is the way that you've set up your icons, and flags, and paintings and textures (and so on!). Please make sure that all of the files are in one folder, or subsets of that folder. Zip them all up, using WinZip or another application for managing compressed files and send us the zip file (ensuring that the directory structure is maintained). Feel free to include a text file telling us about yourself and why your desktop is set up as it is. 

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Developers unite! If you've got something that makes 3DTop do more, or look better, or more fun then we want it!

If you have any trouble uploading the file, you can always just e-mail it to us at

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